• Educate
  • Enrich
  • Empower
Agriculture Department

Interactive and hands-on experience with farm animals such as poultry, sheep and cattle are a rewarding and exciting experience for students and at MacKillop College we can provide such wonderful opportunities. 


The girls will acquire skills in animal husbandry and handling techniques, plant propagation and care of a range of crops and plants, whilst participating in a variety of animal judging, farm visits and industry knowledge. 


The Agriculture Department has an immense chicken coop housing over 30 layers. The students manage the layers on a small-scale commercial operation with eggs being sold to staff members.


The department houses ten raised garden beds, a hot-house for growing and propagating during cooler months and a greenhouse for the summer months and a Poddy Shed for lambs and calves. 


With ongoing planning, development and construction in the Agriculture Department, the opportunities for the girls will be boundless and outstanding.
